Is Live Streaming Video the Future of Social Media?

Is Live Streaming Video the Future of Social Media?

Is Your Company Ready for Live Video on Social? | BlueprintAre you utilizing all forms of content to boost your business through social media?  Sharing content is more than having photos and links receiving interactions.  Of shared content, video is hands down the most interactive.  Video has been on the rise, and it only continues to climb, making its way into many features available on every social media platform.

There is a high amount of user interaction when it comes to video content.  This is why social media platforms have adopted more and more video features over the years.  Even some social music websites and apps have expressed their plans on integrating video.  Social media platforms have done extensive research on their users and how they interact with video.  Many of these platforms also push video content through their integrated features. If your social media strategy doesn’t include video and live streaming yet, here are a couple of the major platforms and their available tools:


Businesses can now take advantage of Live Video Streaming across several social media platforms today.  Just last year Twitter added video streaming app, Periscope.

Hello, Facebook Live

Video is the way of the future, and I am not just addressing the opportunity to update your Facebook profile picture to a live photo.  Similar to other video streaming platforms, Facebook has adopted its own version of a live video feature in the past couple of months, and is now making it available worldwide.  The capability has been added for certain devices, you can now broadcast video in real time!

Why Choose to Stream

Why choose to stream your video content over uploading video content?

Live Streaming video has a few advantages:

  • It is another way to gain viewers
    • Sending out notifications before your stream.
  • It creates excitement for your audience
    • By giving them something to look forward to your company has a better chance to capture their interest.
  • It gives you a chance to connect and interact with your audience
    • It has a one-on-one/personal kind of feeling that gives your audience that instant connection.
  • It is great for sharing information or making a fun announcement
    • The perfect opportunity to share your story.
  • Great to capture and share the special moments
    • Show the special moments that your audience can relate to and that will help them connect with your brand and message.

Let’s Recap

Video is more interactive than most content, and thus, has a higher rate of user interaction.  Businesses need to take advantage of live streaming video opportunities.  Remember that video is the future!

By: Kara