“User Memory Design: How to Design for Experiences That Stick”

Session Summary

Is experience overrated? Are experience designers only focusing on part of the picture?

Experience is ephemeral, vanishing as quickly as it begins. It’s memory, not experience, that writes the stories we tell ourselves and forms the basis of our choices. So what does that mean for experience designers?

This talk draws on classic psychology studies and theory to highlight the important distinction between experience and the memories that experience leaves behind. Humans convert experience to memory in predictable, if irrational ways. We can use that understanding to design for better outcomes.

This session is for anyone who wants to change the way they think about thinking and learn how to be a better user memory designer.

Curt Arledge – @curtarledge

Curt is a UX Designer at Viget in the Washington, DC area. When he’s not working with clients like Politico, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, he writes for the Viget blog and conducts independent research studies. Likes include history, maps, historical maps, hiking, craft beer, craft doughnuts, watercraft, and deciding right away what to watch on Netflix.

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