I find writing content to be extremely rewarding, every day I learn something new and it makes me feel good to share what I’ve learned with my readers. I also enjoy the creativity required to write knowledgeably about vastly different things; however, content development does have its challenges.
The aspect of content writing that I find the most challenging is figuring out how to keep things fresh. Anyone who blogs more than a few times a week knows what I’m talking about; the more you write, the harder it gets to consistently produce new and interesting stuff.
Like many a blogger before me, when I start to struggle for inspiration I turn to the internet for help, and there’s definitely no shortage of it. In fact, the internet is so full of advice on keeping content fresh that it can be a bit overwhelming.
As I’ve been wading through this sea of advice, I’ve been making note of some of the suggestions that really stood out to me as fun, effective, and easy to put into practice. So I’ve decided to dedicate a couple of posts to my favorites, maybe they’ll help you out sometime too.
How To Keep Content Fresh
Beginner and Expert Tips
Most of the time when I write I aim to reach the widest range of readers, which usually means keeping things simple, but not too simple. This is a fine approach, but it excludes two very important groups of potential readers: those who know next to nothing about your topic, and those who love it so much that they know nearly everything.
You have to know the basics about something before it can grab your interest, try approaching your subject like it’s the first time you’ve ever encountered it, and answer the questions you would have. For even greater reader engagement, open the comments up for any additional questions your new readers might have.
The experts are experts because your subject is meaningful to them. Writing for them means you can really dig in, don’t shy away from specs and lingo. Give them something to really geek out about and encourage discussion about it in the comments.
Go Historical
Everything has a history, even shiney new techy stuff, introduce your readers to the origins of your subject, product, or service. With a bit of creativity you could even make this a regular feature.
Say you run a catering business; you could do a new post every month about catering throughout history, famous catered events, how catering has evolved, even recipes from specific historical periods. This one involves a bit of extra research, but it’s worth it.
There are myths and rumors about nearly anything you can think of, find out what the myths about your niche or product are and try to bust them. For example, if your business is pest control you could explore whether or not ants actually refuse to cross a chalk line.
These are just a few of my favorites, I’ll have more for you in my next post. In the meantime, what are some of your favorite suggestions for keeping content fresh?