How to Create Great Content that Generates More Leads, Part II

Create Great Content to Generate Leads | Blueprint In a previous post, we discussed how to create great content for your online platform. We covered the importance of asking questions, the importance of knowing your audience, and how both of these things factor into search engine optimization (SEO).

Here, we will continue to explore this important topic, specifically, identifying the interests of your audience and creating engaging content based on those interests. With this data in hand, an Atlanta SEO company can create a sound plan for optimizing your website for visibility and lead generation.

What is My Audience Interested in?

Now that you’ve identified your audience, determining your audience’s areas of interest is the second question you need to answer to guarantee that your website has great content. Once you understand what group you are aiming for, you need to do a little research on what interests them.

When a customer or client visits your website, it’s usually because you offer a product, service or perhaps even a blog topic that interests them – but that doesn’t always mean they will choose you as their provider. So what can you do to ensure you gain their trust as well as their initial and return business?

Anticipating the interests and needs of your customers and clients is what will help you succeed in this endeavor. In predicting your audience’s interests, you are putting the answers they need into their hands before they can even ask the question.

When you know exactly what your client-base is interested in, it gives you the ability to create content that will keep them coming back for more.

Is My Website Content Clear, Concise, and Engaging?

Even if you know who your audience is, and you know that your products and services are useful and interesting to them, if your message is unclear or your information is scattered, chances are you won’t keep clients around for long.

In order to generate and retain clients, your content needs to be clear, concise, and engaging.

For example, if you’re using a company blog to offer tips or helpful advice to your clients, make sure the content is crisp, clean, and to the point. When using pictures or graphics to promote your business, make sure that they directly connect to what you’re selling and relate to your brand. Appearing scattered or lacking a clear sense of vision is a sure and fast way to lose the interest of your audience.

Since all content tells a story, telling your story well will come much more easily after answering these three questions. When you know your audience, what they are interested in, and offer content that is clear and engaging, you can count on increased user engagement and online visibility.

Interested taking your audience engagement to the next level? Contact Blueprint today to find out how our content creation and SEO solutions can generate leads for your business.

By: Kimberly Stokes