Keyword optimization is the most fundamental component of any successful search engine optimization (SEO) campaign.
Creating a well-crafted keyword strategy that is implemented throughout your Atlanta small business’s website and content allows you to attract and convert more online consumers into recurring customers.
However, understanding how to determine the most appropriate keywords to develop your professional website and content strategy around is critical for attracting qualified visitors and increasing conversions.
Partnering with an experienced Atlanta SEO company like Blueprint allows you to which keywords will help you outrank your local competitors and drive more revenue.
Creating an Intelligent Keyword Strategy
The process of developing a keyword strategy is delicate and tedious.
As a small business owner, it’s too easy to get caught up as a subject matter expert and believe that your services are called “x,” when your target audience refers to them as “y.”
That’s why you’ll need an Atlanta SEO agency that has the tools and the experience of performing extensive consumer behavior research to determine the precise terms and phrases your target audience uses when searching online.
Our SEO strategists create intelligent keyword strategies for verticals that range from health to finance, HVAC to retail and can help you connect with new relevant consumers, too.
Benefits of Keyword Optimization
Creating an optimized keyword strategy opens new opportunities for your small business to attract the attention of online consumers who are already searching for services or products you offer.
Because of this, a sound strategy that’s considerate of your audience’s online behavior and thought process allows you to increase monthly traffic to your website, as well as drive new monthly revenue.
A well-rounded keyword strategy is also useful for guiding your content strategy and to rank organically on Google for the keywords that are most critical to your success.
By integrating keyword that your online audience uses to search for allows you to instantly connect with them, while also building up your website’s online authority over time.
Free Keyword Research Tools That Can Help Get You Started
There are some free tools that can help you get started on understanding what types of keywords you should incorporate into your professional website and content.
Although most of these tools only provide monthly search volume data, others offer top-level insight around popular content subjects and online search interest.
Google Keyword Planner – The most universally used free tool that offers perspective around monthly search volume dedicated to specific keywords and phrases.
Soovle – Provides insight around the most popular searches conducted within every major search engine based on a specific keyword or phrase.
Ubbersuggest – Offers a long list of keyword ideas that are based on particular terms you feel are relevant to your Atlanta business.
Take Your Small Business To The Next Level; Contact Blueprint Today For Immediate Help
If you are ready to learn more about creating an optimized keyword strategy that helps you attract more traffic and increase monthly conversions, contact the professionals at Blueprint today.
Just call us at 770.817.9560 to speak with one of our experienced strategists.