Why Semantic Search Demands Lengthier Content

The Semantic Web | Blueprint

Semantic search is the new wave of all search engine queries for modern digital users.

According to Techopedia, semantic search “is a data searching technique in which a search query aims to not only find keywords, but to determine the intent and contextual meaning of the words a person is using for search.”

With semantic search, search engines have the predicative ability to help fulfill user’s search needs.

Today’s consumers are increasingly into mobile searching, with the majority of consumers using tools such as Siri and other long-tail queries to provide answers to their most urgent questions and needs.

Lengthier content helps satisfy those information searches and help content rank higher among various keyword queries in a similar category.

SEO studies on lengthier content have found:

  • Long content received more link-backs
  • Longer content gets more shares

More links and more shares equate to more opportunities to help and guide consumers with your content.

Consider that search engines take social signals into account when determining search listing, depth and length are only reinforced as critical components of search visibility and user conversion.

Why Does This Matter?

With recent SEO developments, search engines better identify with and rank sites that have more substance and depth, helping to boost that pages’ rankings on search engines.

Substance and form go hand in hand when truly maximizing opportunity for traffic, visibility and conversions. More SERPs equate to more opportunities to be discovered by users.

In addition to word count, substance and depth boost digital content.

Substance + Length + Depth = Visibility and Rankings

Based on demands modern algorithms place on quality content that supports user experience and aligns with various ranking factors, all forms of content must be built with substance and depth in addition to length.

  • Substance refers to the quality of information that is being discussed.
  • Depth defines the detail and complexity involved with the topic

Below are recommended standards for best optimizing site content and increasing users, shares and visibility for digital content:

In addition to length, keep in mind:

  • Substance + depth is what search engine formulas look for
  • Users are spending more time searching from Siri, or other voice based search applications with long-form queries (5 or more keywords)
  • Larger posts have proven to receive more clicks
  • Length improves site rankings, visibility and security

How to Make All of This Work for Your Content?

Build lengthy content that answers the questions that your users are requesting. Lengthy content is more likely to be boosted to the top of SERPs, helping you be more visible during semantic searches.

By: Chuniq Inpower