5 Keys To Create an Effective Logo

Apple Logo Dice | Blueprint

No matter what you’re branding, there are five keys you should consider when creating a logo.

1. Be Simple

The ultimate goal of branding is to create a mark that is easily recognizable.

Use Simple Logo Designs | Blueprint

A great logo delivers all the meaning it intends to give in a few seconds. FedEx is just one of many companies that follows this principle. At quick glance, the user reads the text on the logo and the word FedEx is conveyed.

However, many people do not see the arrow that is formed in the negative space between the “E “and “X.” The arrow is used to define moving and logistics.

This logo has won over 40 design awards and is ranked as one of the top 8 logos over the last 35 years. One reason is because it’s simple, which leads us to the next key.

2. Be Memorable

In 2013 an app called Logo Quiz launched on the Apple market. This app has you guess the name of hundreds of logos from different companies, and it was downloaded over 300 million times.

How many of these brands do you know on level one?

Logos Quiz Game | Blueprint


This app is successful because people can recognize over 9000 brands, even when the brand name is hidden. If I describe to you a logo that is red and has golden arches, what comes to mind? McDonalds.

Use Logos That Are Timeless | Blueprint

One of the world’s greatest logo designers was Paul Rand, who said that the only mandate of designing logos is that they be distinctive, memorable and clear.

He created the logos for IBM, Westinghouse and ABC.

These are Icons that have lasted for generations, which adheres to the third key…

Before and After Logos | Blueprint

 3. Be Timeless

How can you create a logo that can stand alone without any supporting text?

In 2010, Gap launched a new logo without warning. The iconic mark that represented the brand for more than 20 years disappeared. Overnight, Gap became a laughing stock on design forums. Then just 6 days later, Gap management came to their senses and reverted back.

The Gap rebranding was estimated to have cost $100 million.
An effective logo should last to the end of time.

Use Images That Are Versatile | Blueprint

4. Be Versatile

A successful logo should work across multiple mediums and applications. A logo must look the same on a billboard as it does on a postage stamp. Make sure that the logo is designed in vector format so you can change the scale without unsightly pixilation.

One way to create a versatile logo is to design it in black and white, which will reduce printing costs and save money for a business over the long term.

Use Logos That Are Appropriate For Your Target Audience | Blueprint

5. Be Appropriate

If you were creating a logo for a law firm, you wouldn’t use a childish font and color scheme to reflect the brand.

A logo must appropriately represent its company, and be aimed for that company’s audience.

In Conclusion:

It is important to note that a logo does not need to show what a business sells or offers as a service. Of the top 50 logos, 94% do not describe what the company does. Yet with these 5 keys, they all embody the essence of the brand.

By: Aaron Ward