4 Marketing Strategies for Private Schools

Schoolchildren Reading Private School Marketing | Blueprint Digital Private school marketing requires money, time, and resources that can be hard to come by. Although traditional marketing has worked in the past, promoting your school in the digital space is the fastest way to get more students. No matter what budget your school has set for marketing, you can stay relevant online without spending a lot of money.  

Here are four marketing strategies that private schools should be using to increase enrollment.  

Pay-Per-Click Marketing (PPC)  

PPC ads only display to parents who are actively seeking a new private school education for their child. PPC marketing is highly conversional and an effective way to drive traffic to your page.  

It’s usually more conversional because someone who is searching for a private school education has already expressed themselves as a likely lead. Well-written ads speak directly to the searchers’ needs and encourage them to take an action on a webpage to learn more.  

Social Media Marketing (SMM)  

With over 78% of the United States population having a social media account, it’s a no brainer that you should be using social media marketing. The trick here is to strategically use social media in a way to reach potential parents and students.  

You can target your messages toward specific audiences that live in a specific location, certain actions they take on Facebook, or participate in a trend. For example, if you want to put out an ad on Facebook for your private Christian school in Atlanta, you would target the location in and around Atlanta to people who have children and identify as Christian.  

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

SEO should be the foundation of your marketing strategy. Start by optimizing your website and content through long-tail keywords. This will increase your search engine rankings, pulling up when potential parents and students research. Don’t forget that you will want your site to be optimized for mobile since a majority of people use their phone when searching.   


Many schools don’t participate in content marketing efforts like blogs because it can be time consuming. However, content can be one of the most valuable marketing tools. It establishes your school as a thought leader in the industry. The higher quality content your school produces, the better your SEO rankings will be.  

Social is a great channel to distribute your content. You can share blogs through Facebook or Twitter to maximize on the amount of people who encounter your blog. The more engaging and relevant your content, the more likely you are to get potential parents and students interested in coming to your school. 

Blueprint would be more than happy to take your private school to the next level! Call us today at 770-817-9560 to see what marketing strategies you should start using today.  

By: Blueprint