Why Video is Good for Websites

Video for websitesThese days I think its pretty well undeniable that an online presence is becoming a key growth factor for many businesses, whether big or small, old or new. The question is, once you have a website, how do you get noticed amidst the ocean of other sites strewn across the web?

There are many things that go into marketing a website, but one very powerful tool that at times can be overlooked is video. Good video is engaging and entertaining, and can add interest to information that might otherwise be hard to retain. According to a study by aimClear in March 2011, more people clicked on video results than text. “Videos in universal search results have a 41% higher click through rate than plain text“, said aimClear’s Manny Rivas. And an August 2010 study by Comscore showed that on average people stayed two minutes longer on a website when they watched video, which is important for search engine rankings as well as simply making your site more memorable.

Google likes to return video results in searches too. A Forrester study from Jan 2010 suggested that a product page with a video on it is 53 times more likely to achieve a page one listing on Google during a search.

So while having a website for your business is a solid first step, video can help take your site to the next level. Even if the videos are just short, simple explanations identifying who you are and what your business does, it can make a huge difference. In fact, in most cases, the shorter and more concise a video is, the better.

At Blueprint, video production is an exciting and integral part of what we do. Whether its for information or entertainment, live action or animation, for business or for fun, we do it all. Visit our video production page to learn more.

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By: John

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