Using Social Media to Create Shared Experiences When Marketing to Millennials

Atlanta SEO Company Millennial Using Smartphone | BlueprintWhen it comes to Millennials and their online shopping preferences, websites that provide a seamless, transparent experience can reap the rewards that come from attracting the largest demographic in the history of the United States.

This concept raises an interesting point for businesses that are interested in developing social media and SEO campaigns meant to attract Millennials from popular spaces like Facebook and Instagram.

In order to tap into the opportunities that Millennials provide, it is important to partner with an experienced Atlanta SEO company that knows how to get this particular demographic to convert into loyal customers.

Attract Millennial Consumers with Shareable Experiences

To attract new Millennials to your professional website, businesses must work with an experienced Atlanta SEO company to develop custom content that:

• Provides a unique experience
• Creates a connection
• Entices users to share such content with their like-minded peers

Through social sharing, Millennials are choosing to promote particular experiences that reflect their individuality. Because of this, businesses must understand how to identify what Millennials are trying to express.

Provide Incentives through Facebook

As a small business owner in Atlanta, there are plenty of ways to provide unique content that evokes sentiment and encourages Millennials to react.

Partnering with an experienced SEO company in Atlanta to manage a paid Facebook campaign allows you to understand what kind of events are taking place throughout the community that you can support.

For example, the summer is right around the corner and with it comes a continuous cycle of food festivals that take place downtown and within Piedmont Park.

An SEO company like Blueprint can create a series of custom tailored content that connects your business or brand with each upcoming event.

You can evoke sentiment within Millennials using Facebook by providing messaging that asks for their input or support on a particular concept such as, “Post who your favorite food truck is on our Facebook Page on June 24 to receive a 10% discount on any future transaction with us!”

Capitalize on Facebook Incentives by Encouraging Engagement on Twitter

Now that you have the attention of Facebook Millennials through your targeted incentive, you can use this to drive engagement on your businesses Twitter page.

Ask your SEO Company to create a custom hashtag that you can use in each of your Twitter posts to:

• Create a relatable experience among Millennial audiences
• Maximize top-of-mind awareness
• Consolidate all of your targeted campaign’s content for one comprehensive experience

Getting Millennials to engage with your business’s Twitter page is helpful for attracting new potential customers and increasing brand loyalty.

Use Instagram to Learn More about Millennial Behavior; Create New Campaigns

Millennials are now using Instagram almost as often as they log into their personal Facebook accounts.

What’s unique about Instagram is how Millennials can share image-based content with other like-minded consumers; creating a cycle of inspiration that influences more reactions/conversions.

When used correctly, Instagram can be a powerful tool for understanding what trending concepts or topics your business can get in front of when it comes to creating new campaigns.

Ask your SEO company how they can provide content that attracts the time, attention, and loyalty of online Millennial consumers. Creating an experience that Millennials trust and shows you as unique within your industry will go a long way when it comes to increasing brand awareness, engagement, and supporting future conversions.

Contact the Experienced Strategists at Blueprint to Learn More

Our team of experienced digital strategists understands how to successfully market to Millennials in ways that create long-lasting relationships, improve engagement, and increase revenue.

Call us today at 770.817.9560 to learn more about our approach to website optimization, supporting Millennial engagement, and creating personalized content that increases conversions.

By: Blueprint