Our Christmas party was Friday, December 13th. We arrived at the office very early and had delicious breakfast casserole. Along, with a delicious sweet mix of white chocolate covered wheat squares, pretzels, and m&ms.
We played a difficult Christmas movie matching game for prizes. No one was getting all them right, so we did a second try “fix what you got wrong” round. Molly was the first to get all the movies right.
After the first game, we started our white elephant gift exchange! Everyone drew a number for his or her turn. Sarah got to go first and unwrapped the first gift. She picked her choice and opened an “I Love Bacon” Calendar for 2014 that included recipes. Number 2 was Brent and he stole her Calendar. Mihai chooses his gift carefully, and opened a singing bathroom snowman. It was very funny.
Next was Sean, and he stole the Calendar from Brent. Brent had to choose again and opened a ginger bread baking kit and Adam stole the kit. Brent chose to steal from Mihai. Mihai opened another and got some popcorn and a popcorn cup. Afterwards, Rebecca opened a mug set with tea.
Taylor opened a CARBOT (a robotic car) and John opened puzzles.
Melissa opened a stuffed rooster.
Macrae opened a Canadian wallet. Erik opened a yodeling pickle, and a hobbit 3D bookmark and pen. Naima opened a Chinese ornament.
I stole Sarah’s Christmas vacation movie. She opened lottery tickets that Molly stole.
Sarah then opened a game of brainteasers.
Nathan opened a robotic spider. The two extra gifts was a puzzle the office claimed, and a coffee mug and notepad Melissa traded for her Rooster. The Rooster now sits on Mihai’s desk.
After the gift exchange, we headed straight to the Mall of Georgia for the surprise! Nathan got us tickets for The Hobbit in 3D IMAX!
Erik and I picked up Chick-fil-a afterwards as we finished out a workday. Overall, it was a pretty fun and exciting day!
By: Kara
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