Is it Selling or Telling?
When it comes to web-based marketing strategies, “copy” and “content” are often used as interchangeable terms. It’s important to recognize that both roles are valuable in digital marketing, but they’re not the same. The biggest difference between writing copy and writing content is the purpose behind the writing. Copywriting is focused on specific results — namely, to get the reader to take action. That action could be making a purchase, subscribing to your email list, or calling for more information, just to name a few. Content writing, on the other hand, offers a benefit or information to the reader in order to encourage later action. Content writing is seen in places like blogs, website articles, and white papers. Copywriting sells, and content writing tells.
Effective digital marketing agencies like Blueprint employ both copy and content writing, covering a wide range of services such as Pay Per Click (PPC), SEO, social media marketing, blogs, and website content.
We Need Each Other
Traditionally, content and copywriting were treated as two different entities, where each group did different tasks and worked in different areas. With the rise of the digital age and web-based marketing, however, the two job roles became part of the same group. While still different things, in today’s world, you need both to be employed effectively in order to turn readers into buyers, subscribers, and more.
Content that’s written without copywriting is, well, a waste of perfectly good content. You might have a fantastic, well written blog, but what’s the point if no one’s reading it? Even worse — what if people are reading it, but not engaging with your brand?
Remember, effective copywriting persuades your readers to take action. Without a clear call-to-action, readers won’t know what to do next. When you employ copywriting techniques in content writing, you’ll start building a larger audience when readers share and subscribe to your content. In the same hand, copywriting without effective content is just as useless! We’re bombarded by marketing and advertising almost everywhere we go — including our social media apps. In order to stand out, ad copy has to be compelling, informative, and engaging.
Content writing focuses on the journey, while copywriting is about the destination — where your readers are compelled to take action. That’s why the best digital marketing agencies combine strategic copywriting techniques with great content, delivering the most impactful message to readers. As a result, you increase your company’s ability to grow your client or customer relationships, your brand’s identity and presence, and (most importantly) your bottom line. For more information on how to maximize your digital marketing efforts with great content and great copy, contact Blueprint today.