5 Benefits of the One Page Website

One Page Website | Blueprint

What is a Single Page Website?

As a web designer in a world that has evolving technology, it is necessary to keep up with the latest trends.

The latest web design trends are everything from flat and minimal, to simple one-page websites, which are fast becoming the trend in website design.

Benefits are that they help the user navigate both by reducing the size of the website, and by cleaning up the site content and design elements. Designers are using one page websites to become more creative and use them to tell stories with words, videos, pictures and with animated infographics. Other styles include business and portfolio websites.

The 5 Benefits

1) Easier Navigation

The main benefit of having a single page website is easy navigation.

There is nothing worse then going to a cluttered website and not being able to find what you need. Having a website that is easy to navigate creates a better user experience, which helps your business grow and not only keeps clients on your site longer, but will keep them coming back.

2) Less Content

Having a one page website makes your website smaller, which will also make your content smaller. While some may argue that this is bad, it is good for small business, personal portfolios, or large companies that are trying to get to the point. You can get your point across very easily with less content and more graphics.

Having one page for a website will give you less content, and will then require less bandwidth. It is not much of a problem these days to have your website load, but it can load a lot faster with less content! This will also help tremendously if your website has increased traffic already.

3) Less to Manage

One Page Website | Blueprint

For businesses who like to manage their own site, or who update their website often, one page websites are very manageable. It is easy to change and delete content when there is not a lot of “fluff” and pages filled with content.

It is also very affordable! If you are on a budget and need an updated website, one page websites are much cheaper and easier to make. Most companies will hire a graphic designer to make 30 different pages and implement content, which can take months, and a lot of $$$.

4) Minimal & Clean

Minimalism is very trendy and “in” right now with designers. One page websites allow designers to make clean and minimal designs with less content. It gives more of a direction to design with photos, icons, and graphics. We see things visually before we comprehend words, so designing with more visual content can give the user a better experience. Minimalism allows you to focus on the quality of the work and content, and it also looks better on all devices (with a responsive design).

5) Trendy

Having a one page website can be very trendy. It shows that you are keeping up with the latest designs and marketing strategies. You can do a lot with a one page story:

* Tell a story

* Make a small business website

* Big business website – with less content

* Portfolio – showcasing work

SEO Optimized

While some may argue that single page websites cannot be optimized for SEO, Search Engine Land writer Tom Schmitz gives a few key points on how to help:

* Define Content Sections

* Separate Content Sections in DIVs

* Anchor Links

* Give Each Content Section an H1 Tag

One page websites are easier to inform the user on content and graphics, and they work great on mobile devices!

Check out the Awwwards list of the best single page websites: http://www.awwwards.com/websites/single-page/

And another website with all things one page: http://onepagelove.com

By: Caroline Ripa