New Equipment for Video Production
Blueprint recently aquired some new toys for the Video Production Department, including a new mac pro and a massive libarary of video and sound FX. For me it was like an early Christmas (or late depending on your perspective), as I work for the most part exclusively in video production here. I’m excited about the new mac, as it comes with 16 gigs of RAM, 2 quad core processors and a fantastic graphics card, (to name just two of its awesome features), which will make multi-tasking and especially rendering a breeze. I say especially because 3D projects usually require a good sized chunk of processing power to render (in a decent amount of time anyways).
We also aquired some old-school video equipment: a Sony Betacam recorder, and a Panasonic VHS recorder which means we will soon be able to offer video conversion services.
Most of the equipment came rack-mounted, and was relatively easy to find a new home for, though the plethora of new sound and video effects took some organizing. We put it all in somewhat of a prominent place in the office, and it certainly makes for a nice office wow factor.
I’m excited to start using all this new stuff, and what the future will bring. =)
Comments welcome!
By: John
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