Guide to Google Grants For Non-Profits

Guide to Google Grants For Non-Profits

Google Grant 101

What is a Google Ad Grant?

Google Ad Grants is a program by Google that provides eligible nonprofit organizations up to $10,000 per month in free advertising credit to use on Google Ads. That translates to $120,000 in annual ad spend which nonprofits can use to raise awareness, attract donations, recruit volunteers, and promote their causes through Google ads for nonprofits.

What do Google Grant Ads look like?

What do Google Grant Ads look like_

Google Grant Ads appear on the highly sought-after Google search results page, just like normal Google Search Ads. They are also triggered by keywords, the same as normal Search Ads, meaning you can use Google Ad Grants for nonprofits to target people searching for phrases related to your cause. Google Grant Ads look and function the same as normal Google Search Ads, but they cost you nothing! 

What types of nonprofits can get a Google Grant?

To qualify for Google Grants for nonprofit organizations, you must be a valid charity in your country. In the US, this means 501(c)(3) organizations. That includes:

  • Animal welfare organizations: Helping protect wildlife, rescue animals, or support conservation efforts.
  • Educational initiatives: Organizations offering public education, scholarships, or learning resources.
  • Environmental causes: Nonprofits focused on conserving natural resources, reducing pollution, or promoting sustainability.
  • Social justice and human rights organizations: Entities working to promote equality, advocate for marginalized groups, or foster civil rights.

However, there are some exceptions.

What is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?

A 501(c)(3) organization is a type of nonprofit organization in the United States that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. These organizations are typically set up for charitable, religious, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, and they must operate exclusively for one or more of these purposes to maintain their tax-exempt status. 

Organizations seeking this status must apply through the IRS and adhere to strict regulations, including limits on political activities and ensuring that no part of the organization’s earnings benefit private shareholders or individuals.

If you aren’t sure of your organization’s status, you can check using ProPublica’s Nonprofit Explorer tool.

The Benefits of Google Grants

What are the benefits of a Google Ad Grant?

The Google Ad Grant provides eligible nonprofit organizations up to $10,000 per month of advertising credit to use on Google Ads. This allows nonprofits to promote their missions on Google Search. Here are the key benefits of the Google Ad Grant:

  • Free Marketing: The grant provides up to $10,000 per month in Google Ads credit, which can significantly reduce or eliminate the need for out-of-pocket advertising expenses.
  • Greater Impact: The Google Ad Grant allows organizations to be found by people searching phrases directly related to their cause. Nonprofits can gain substantial reach, generate awareness, and even drive donations, all at no cost.
  • Cost-Effective Fundraising: Nonprofits can get in front of potential donors searching for a cause to support. This creates an opportunity for unlimited ROI, which is extremely rare in marketing.
  • Targeted Advertising: The grant allows organizations to create targeted ad campaigns based on keywords, location, and demographics, ensuring their message reaches the most relevant audience.
  • Free Marketing Testing: Nonprofits can test different messages, ads, and keywords to see what resonates best with their audience, allowing for a ton of opportunities to improve your ad campaigns over time.
  • Data and Insights: Google Ads provides detailed analytics and reporting tools, allowing nonprofits to track the performance of their ads, understand user behavior, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Global Reach: Nonprofits with a global mission can use the Google Ad Grant to connect with people worldwide, helping to build international support for their cause.

What can the Google Ad Grant be used to promote?

As long as your organization qualifies for a Google for Nonprofits account, you can use it to promote your missions and goals. This could include: 

  1. Attract Donations: Encourage individuals to contribute directly to your cause by using ads that lead to donation pages, helping to secure vital funding.
  2. Build an Email List: Promote sign-up forms to grow your email database, which you can later use to engage with potential donors, volunteers, and supporters.
  3. Create Awareness & Advocacy: Use ads to educate and spread the word about your organization’s mission and projects, increase visibility and engagement, and encourage the public to take action or get involved.
  4. Sell Memberships or Subscriptions: If your organization offers memberships or recurring subscriptions, you can use Google Ads to attract new members or subscribers.
  5. Recruit Volunteer: Reach out to potential volunteers by promoting specific programs or events where their help is needed.
  6. Promote Events and Fundraisers: Highlight upcoming events or fundraisers to drive registrations, attendance, and participation.
  7. Distribute Educational Resources: Use ads to direct users to valuable educational materials, research, or informative articles that align with your nonprofit’s goals.

To maximize the potential of your Google Ad Grants for nonprofits, it’s essential to have the right strategy in place. Working with Google Grant account experts, like those at Blueprint Digital, can help you create a tailored approach that ensures your grant is being used effectively and efficiently.

What can the Google Ad Grant be used to promote_

Which nonprofits benefit the most?

If your organization is on the smaller side you might wonder if you can take full advantage of the Google Grants for nonprofits, but this program is designed for all kinds of nonprofits. As long as people are searching for phrases relevant to your organization and you have a website to send those people to, you can benefit from the Google Ad Grant.

In effect, this program helps to level the playing field for nonprofits of all sizes trying to grab people’s attention. 

Google Grant Eligibility

What nonprofits are eligible for Google Ad Grants?

Most 501(c)(3) nonprofits are eligible for a Google Ad Grant but there are exceptions.

A 501(c)(3) is not eligible if they are:

  • A governmental entity or organization
  • A hospital or healthcare organization (nonprofits associated with healthcare organizations are eligible).
  • A school, academic institution, or university (charitable arms of educational organizations are eligible).
  • A fiscally sponsored organization (FSO) that does not have its own 501(c)(3) status

Wondering if you’re eligible for the Grant? You can read Google’s full eligibility requirements, or take our quiz to find out now!

What are the website requirements for Google Ad Grants?

There are a few specific requirements for the website that you will be using for the Google Ads Grant Account. 

  • The website domain must be owned by the nonprofit.
  • Your site must have a clear description of your nonprofit’s mission and activities.
  • The main purpose of your site should not be commercial. Any commercial function must clearly advance your organization’s cause.

For more information regarding these rules, check out our full guide to the website requirements for Google Ad Grants.

What can my nonprofit do to become eligible for Google Ad Grants?

If you meet the requirements for the Google Ad Grants program, all that’s left is to submit an application. You could do it yourself, hire someone to manage the process or work with a Google Ad Grant management agency who can walk you through the application process from start to finish.

Obtaining The Google Grant

How to apply for the Google Ad Grant

Once you’ve confirmed your nonprofit’s eligibility for the Google Ad Grant, the next step is to submit your application. You can either handle the application process on your own or partner with a Google Ad Grant management agency that can guide you through every stage of the process.

Completing your Google Grant application yourself will be the cheapest option, but it can be quite time-consuming if you’re unfamiliar with the process. To secure the Google Ad Grant, just follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Apply for a Google for Nonprofits account. You will need your nonprofit’s registration number (EIN in the US), physical address, and online contact information.
  2. Wait for verification. Google works with Percent to validate nonprofits and ensure they are eligible for the Google Ad Grant. This will involve some back and forth with Percent and takes 2-14 business days.
  3. Activate your Google Ads Grant account. This involves submitting your website for review, watching a welcome video, and then waiting 2-5 business days for your activation to be accepted.
  4. You can now begin using the Google Ad Grant and start building ad campaigns!

Hiring someone to apply on your behalf can have its benefits. A Google Grant agency like Blueprint will have experience identifying issues that might keep you from receiving a grant and can ensure you don’t get denied on a technicality or mistake. Keep in mind that an agency will need your tax ID, contact details, and some other information to submit an application.

Once you’re approved for the grant, a Google Grant agency can help you create a strategy to maintain eligibility and use your full $10,000 as effectively as possible!

Who should apply for the Google Ad Grant?

Any eligible nonprofit organization should consider applying for the Google Ad Grant due to the numerous benefits. It provides up to $10,000 monthly in free Google Ads, helping nonprofits increase visibility, drive donations, build email lists, recruit volunteers, and promote their mission. Nonprofits that rely on digital outreach to raise awareness or engage with supporters would significantly benefit from this grant, especially if they have a well-developed website and clear strategic goals.

Wondering if you’re eligible for the Grant? Take our quiz to find out now.

How long does it take to apply for a Google Grant?

Google Grant Application Timeline

Prepare Website and Documents: 1-7 days

Ensure your nonprofit’s website meets Google’s requirements and gather the necessary documentation.

Register for Google for Nonprofits: 5-10 business days

Submit your nonprofit for verification through Google for Nonprofits. This may take a week or longer depending on the country.

Complete Google Ad Grant Application: 20 minutes

Fill out the application with basic details about your organization.

Application Review: 2-5 business days

Google reviews your application and provides feedback or approval.

Assuming nothing goes wrong, the process could take 2-3 weeks. For a more streamlined process consider partnering with a Google Ad Grant agency.

What to do after obtaining the Google Ad Grant

Now that you have access to $10,000 in monthly ad credits, how can you make the most of this opportunity? Many nonprofits struggle to fully utilize the entire grant, especially if they lack experience with Google Ads or managing a Google Ad Grant. One of the most crucial things to focus on early is staying compliant with Google’s policies to avoid losing access to your grant.

Getting Started: Creating Your First Campaigns

  1. Partner with a Google Ad Grant Agency
    Working with an experienced agency can help you navigate the complexities of managing your grant, ensuring you maximize its potential while staying compliant.
  2. Define Your Campaign Goals
    Determine what you want to achieve with your Google Ads campaigns—whether it’s increasing donations, growing your email list, recruiting volunteers, or advancing any key aspect of your organization’s mission.
  3. Build Your Search Campaigns
    Select relevant keywords, craft compelling ads, and choose the most appropriate landing pages to direct users to.
  4. Launch Your Campaigns
    Once everything is in place, you’re ready to go live and start using your grant to reach new audiences.

Google Grant Account Tips & Best Practices

How do I get the most out of the Google Ad Grant?

  • Have a clear strategy

What are you trying to accomplish? Do you have a page on your website to promote your goal? Who are you trying to reach? These are all questions you should ask yourself before you start writing ads and adding keywords to your campaign. 

  • Choose your keywords

These should reflect your organization’s goals and help you get in front of your target audience. Looking to drive donations? Try something like “donate to charity online”. Need volunteers? A good keyword might be “volunteer for nonprofits near me”.

  • Optimize your landing page

The page you are sending your Google Ads traffic to should promote the goal of your campaign first and foremost whether that’s email list sign-ups, donations, or volunteer applications. It should also be secure, mobile friendly, and give visitors a clear understanding of your organization’s mission.

  • Track your goals

This is one of the requirements for compliance in a Google Ad Grant account but it’s also one of the key aspects of any Google search campaign. To see if your ad campaigns are driving any of your goals you need to track those goals in the form of conversions. There are many ways to accomplish this from custom code to Google Tag Manager.

See our guide to conversion tracking for Google Grant Accounts.

  • Maximize spend

This is vital to get the most out of the $10,000 grant. It can also be one of the more challenging obstacles for those without experience managing a Google Ad Grant account. Google puts restrictions in place for grant accounts that can make it challenging to spend the full $10,000 grant. This is one area where a Google Ad Grant agency can help.

  • Stay compliant

While you want to try to spend as much of the $10,000 grant as possible, it’s also important to stay in compliance and not lose access to the grant. 

Check out our full guide to Google Ad Grant Compliance.

  • A/B test

Once you have been running your ad campaigns for 1-2 months you can start using that data to test changes to everything from ad copy to landing page design and even bidding strategy. It’s important to let the results guide your decision-making which makes solid conversion tracking all the more important.

How to maximize your grant ad spend

This is one of the most complicated aspects of managing a Google Ad Grant account. You’ll need to balance staying compliant, generating results, and spending as much of the $10,000 grant as possible. Depending on your nonprofit’s mission and time you can dedicate to managing your grant account.

Google Grant Account Requirements

Staying compliant with Google Ad Grants policies is crucial for maintaining access to the program. Google has clear rules about how ads should be structured, the types of keywords allowed, and performance requirements that must be met. Failure to comply can result in account suspension or deactivation.

What are the Google Ad Grants policy compliance requirements?

  1. No Single-Word Keywords Permitted: Single-word keywords are prohibited under the Ad Grants policy, with some exceptions for branded terms and medical conditions. To filter out single keywords:
    • Go to your Google Ads account and select “Campaigns.”
    • Filter keywords that are single words and pause them, unless they meet one of the exceptions.
  2. No Overly Generic Keywords: Avoid overly generic keywords like “free videos” or “today’s news.” These terms don’t clearly reflect user intent and often result in poor performance.
    • Focus on keywords specific to your nonprofit’s mission and target audience. Keywords should have a clear link to your organization’s services or content.
  3. No Keywords with a Quality Score of 1 or 2: Google requires that all active keywords have a quality score of 3 or higher. Keywords with a score of 1 or 2 must be paused or removed.
    • Set up an automated rule to pause keywords with low-quality scores. Regularly check your quality scores by adding the Quality Score column to your keyword view in Google Ads.
  4. Maintain a 5% Click-Through Rate (CTR): A CTR of at least 5% is required each month to remain compliant. Accounts that fall below this threshold for two consecutive months may be suspended.
    • To improve CTR, pause keywords that are driving impressions but not clicks. Focus on high-intent keywords with a strong performance history.
  5. Conversion Tracking: If your account uses Smart Bidding strategies, you must implement valid conversion tracking. Ensure you’re tracking meaningful conversions, such as donations or volunteer sign-ups, to demonstrate campaign effectiveness.
    • Use Google Analytics to set goals and import them into Google Ads for tracking. Conversion tracking helps you optimize campaigns and comply with Google’s requirements.
  6. Ad Structure and Extensions: Each ad group should contain at least two ads, and every campaign should include a minimum of two ad groups. To further boost your ads’ performance, utilize at least two sitelink ad extensions.
  7. Annual Program Survey: All nonprofits participating in Google Ad Grants must complete an annual program survey. Make sure to fill out the survey when prompted to avoid account suspension.

It can be difficult to follow all these rules without experience so consider professional Google Ad Grant management to support your marketing efforts.

How do you maintain Google Grant compliance and avoid suspension?

With all of the rules involved it can be difficult to stay compliant. Any suspension could cost valuable impressions, clicks, and possible conversions. Luckily there are a few ways to make sure you stay compliant: 

Consider hiring a grant manager. That way you can rest assured knowing that your account is being managed by a professional who knows all the ins and outs of Google Ad Grant policy. 

Create automated rules. These could help with some of the more clear-cut rules by pausing keywords with a poor quality score or click-through rate. However, some of the more vague rules will still require manual oversight.

Know the rules and stay diligent. Before making any changes to your campaigns such as rewording ads or adding new keywords, review the list of rules and make sure you aren’t breaking any of them. 

Can my nonprofit lose its Google Grants eligibility?

If your nonprofit loses eligibility or breaks Google’s advertising policies you may lose access to the Google Ad Grant temporarily or even permanently. Your team should stay active in your campaigns. It’s important to consistently optimize your Google Ad Grant account strategy to keep your account from being suspended. If you don’t have someone who can spend hours in the account each week it may be time to consider hiring a Google Grant manager.

Hiring A Google Grant Manager

What is Google Grant management?

Google Ad Grant agencies focus on helping nonprofits make the most of the Google Ad Grant. They cover every aspect of the process and eliminate the need for you to learn the ins and outs of Google Ads and the Google Ad Grant program. That way, you can focus on your mission and connect with the people these ads bring to your organization.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional for Google Grant management?

  1. Google Grant application. If you’ve yet to apply for the program, a partner agency can handle the process on your behalf from start to finish.
  2. Keyword research. A Google Grants agency will research the best keywords for your organization and help match you to your target audience. This ensures you get results and don’t waste any of the $10,000 grant.
  3. Campaign management. Google Ad Grant accounts need anywhere between 1 and 10 hours of maintenance and optimization per week depending on the complexity of the strategy. 
  4. Compliance. There are strict rules for staying compliant, and without experience managing a Google Ad Grant account, it can be difficult to avoid potential triggers for deactivation. While account suspension can be reversed, it’s often time-consuming, and you can’t recover the lost search traffic during the downtime.
  5. Reactivation if needed. Your Google Grants agency will do what it can to keep your account in good standing. However, things happen, especially with the guidelines that are up to Google’s discretion. If your account gets suspended, your agency will help reactivate it. Some agencies have direct contacts at Google that can help expedite the process in the case of wrongful deactivation.
  6. Landing page optimization. Your grant money will go to waste if the pages you’re using aren’t set up to drive the actions you are looking for. The best copy and design are needed to inspire visitors to help you in your mission.

Who needs Google Ad Grant support?

Unless your organization has someone with at least 4 hours a week to manage your Google Ad Grant account, consider partnering with a Google Ad Grant agency. They can use their experience to manage the account more efficiently, ensure you stay compliant, and maximize the $10,000 advertising credit.

How much does Google Ad Grant management cost?

Google Ad Grant management can cost your organization between $750-$2,000 depending on the agency and scale of the campaigns. Some agencies may offer a lower price, but they often limit the scope of work they provide. This means if your account gets deactivated due to non-compliance, they may not offer prompt assistance compared to a more dedicated agency.

How to hire the right Google Grant Manager

  1. Look for a certified Google Partner. These agencies have completed Google Ads training certifications and have managed a significant enough portfolio to qualify as a certified Google Partner. Working with Google Partners gives you peace of mind knowing they won’t be wasting your valuable grant.
  2. Look for an agency that has experience with Google Ad Grants. Not every Google Ads agency has worked with a grant account before and they can not be handled in the same way. To make sure you don’t lose access to the grant you’ll want to partner with an agency that has been around the block.
  3. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals. Meet with the people who will be managing your account and make sure they are aligned with the needs of your organization. 
  4. Don’t lock into a 12-month contract. If the agency you choose can’t drive results or take full advantage of your grant you need the flexibility to find a better agency for your organization.

How can you get the most out of your Google Ad Grant management?

  • Clearly communicate your goals: Be open about your organization’s mission and what you hope to achieve with Google Ads. Whether you’re focusing on increasing donations, raising awareness, or recruiting volunteers, sharing this information will help your manager develop the best strategy.
  • Provide feedback on keywords and messaging: While your manager will handle most of the technical work, you know your audience best. Give feedback on the messaging and keywords to ensure they resonate with your target audience.
  • Allow time for success: Digital marketing takes time to optimize. Give your campaigns at least 90 days to see significant results, as this allows time for testing and refinement.
  • Give direct feedback: Don’t hesitate to provide honest feedback—both positive and negative—so that your manager can adjust campaigns as needed.

5 Experienced Google Grant Agencies

If you’re looking to partner with a Google Grant management agency, there are several experienced firms to consider. Below are five top agencies that specialize in managing Google Ad Grants for nonprofits.

1. Blueprint Digital

Performance-Driven Digital Marketers Based In Atlanta, Georgia

Founded in 2003, Blueprint Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency that works with small businesses, national brands, and Fortune 500 companies alike. With experience across more than 70 industries, Blueprint Digital brings a wealth of expertise to every campaign. What sets Blueprint apart is its laser focus on conversions and measurable results. The team takes the time to understand exactly what each client needs to achieve with their Google Ad Grant and builds campaigns that drive real, trackable outcomes.

  • Digital Strategy: Blueprint will turn your goals into an effective campaign strategy, ensuring that every ad spend is optimized.
  • SEO: Through targeted optimizations and high-quality content, Blueprint can boost your nonprofit’s search rankings and drive traffic.
  • Google Ads: Blueprint crafts Google Ads that attract the right audience and lead to meaningful conversions.
  • Paid Social: Blueprint’s social media campaigns focus on nurturing long-term customer relationships and loyalty.
  • Email Marketing & Production: The team creates compelling email campaigns and high-quality content to tell your brand’s story.

Get Started with Blueprint

2. Getting Attention

Getting Attention is a Google Ad Grant agency dedicated solely to helping nonprofits maximize their grant’s potential. With a global team of experts, they specialize in setting up and optimizing Google Ad Grant accounts for organizations of all sizes. Getting Attention excels at keyword research and ad strategy, ensuring that their clients’ campaigns drive real results.

  • Grant application assistance: If your nonprofit hasn’t applied for a Google Grant yet, Getting Attention will guide you through the application process.
  • Account hygiene: Their team will remove outdated data and streamline your account to boost performance.
  • Keyword research: They conduct thorough research to ensure your ads target the most relevant keywords and reach your intended audience.

3. Platypus Digital

Based in the UK, Platypus Digital is a leading digital marketing agency that specializes in working with nonprofits. Their services include Google Ad Grants management, as well as audits and health checks on Google Analytics. Platypus Digital has a proven track record of helping charities connect with donors and supporters through targeted Google Ads campaigns.

  1. Google Ad Grants management: Platypus Digital uses its expertise to help nonprofits create high-performing ad campaigns.
  2. Google Analytics health checks: They audit your data and make recommendations for improving your online strategy.
  3. Meta Ads: Platypus also offers Facebook and Instagram advertising services to complement your Google Ads efforts.

4. Digital Ninjas

Digital Ninjas is a flexible and data-driven Google Ad Grant management agency that works with nonprofits of all sizes. Based in Australia, this agency offers a range of services designed to help nonprofits achieve their marketing goals through search engine marketing (SEM) and paid digital advertising. They specialize in optimizing ad campaigns, improving web experiences, and testing strategies to maximize conversions.

  • A/B Testing and Optimization: Digital Ninjas employs A/B testing to compare different versions of ads and landing pages, ensuring that the best-performing content is used to drive results.
  • Website Improvements: The agency helps nonprofits improve their websites to keep visitors engaged and improve the overall user experience, which boosts ad performance.
  • Personalized QR Codes: A unique offering, Digital Ninjas helps nonprofits connect offline and online campaigns using personalized QR codes that can direct users to specific donation or registration pages.

5. Luminate Marketing

Luminate Marketing specializes in working with mission-driven organizations, particularly in the religious and nonprofit sectors. With a tailored approach, they help nonprofits communicate their missions through compelling digital marketing campaigns. They focus on creating strong brand identities and executing multi-channel strategies to drive engagement and results.

  • Vision Workshops: Luminate helps organizations refine their messaging and create a marketing strategy that aligns with their vision and values.
  • Branding and Design: From logo creation to comprehensive brand guides, Luminate supports nonprofits in building a cohesive and recognizable brand.
  • Strategy and Messaging: They offer ongoing access to their marketing experts, who work alongside nonprofits to refine their digital strategies and craft impactful messaging.

Get Started With A Google Ad Grant For Your Nonprofit

Partnering with the right agency is key to fully utilizing the $10,000 monthly Google Ad Grant, and Blueprint Digital is your ideal partner for grant account management. With years of experience in managing Google Ad Grants, Blueprint Digital specializes in creating tailored strategies that ensure compliance, optimize ad spend, and drive meaningful conversions. Our team works closely with nonprofits to understand their mission and deliver campaigns that increase visibility and engagement, all while maximizing the impact of every dollar in your ad grant.

When you choose Blueprint Digital, you gain a dedicated partner focused on delivering measurable results for your organization. From initial setup to ongoing optimization, our expertise in Google Ad Grants can help you achieve your marketing goals and grow your nonprofit’s reach in the digital space.

Get Started With A Google Ad Grant For Your Nonprofit

By: Blueprint