Changes For Blueprint

It is a new year, and Blueprint is experiencing several major changes!

New Year, New Equipment

At the end of last year, Blueprint had a significant equipment upgrade in our Video Production Department. Our new camera, the SONY PMW-EX1R is excellent! It picks up great quality audio and video. In addition, storage space has no longer been an issue. One of the older cameras we had even ran off tape. Before, we had to painfully backup audio and video. Then pulling everything together was not impossible, but rather difficult and time consuming. Now we have everything built in all in one camera, and no more tapes! Also, it is a breeze to create additional backup of the productions!

New Capabilities

I am not sure that I could be any happier with this camera. I was able to use the new camera for a couple of video productions by now. It is already so much better than the equipment we had, and I am still learning of all its capabilities. I cannot wait to learn more about this wonderful piece of equipment.

Change is Good

Those were not the only changes in our Video Department. In addition to the new camera, we also gained extra audio equipment. As well, as additional staff members. Since all these big changes, our Video Production Department has been very busy and producing some quality content. We are pleased with all these new changes and enthusiastic to see what this year will bring!

By: Kara

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