4 Traditional Private School Marketing Methods That Just Don’t Work Anymore

4 Traditional Private School Marketing Methods That Just Don’t Work Anymore

Private School Marketing Private School Students in Classroom | Blueprint Digital Traditional marketing methods are proving to be less effective for private schools. The old philosophy of casting a wide net of exposure falls short in a technology-saturated market. 

Here are four traditional private school marketing methods that will leave you with an empty budget and low enrollment.

Neglected Mailers 

People are finding ways to reduce their use of paper, and marketing is no exception. Emailed receipts and digital bills are a few ways technology has reduced the amount of paper people touch each day.  

With these technological advances, people’s willingness to open and read unfamiliar mail is at an all-time low. If you are sending snail mail, your content will fall onto the trash bins much more often than eager eyes. 

Receding Radio 

For decades, radio was one of the most efficient forms of marketing. Listeners tuned in to one or two stations that played their favorite genre of music. It was easier to sit through commercials while they waited for the music to come back. 

In today’s on-demand culture, people want to hear the songs, not the ads. This ache for instant access is resulting in the majority of users signing up for streaming services that have removed ads. Radio is an expensive way to advertise and is reaching less and less people every year. 

Powerless Television Ads 

Television used to be controlled by a few powerful networks, and viewers had no choice but to watch what was provided. Now, there are hundreds of channels, a multitude of streaming services, and a handful of unique content providers. 

The people who watch standard television have the ability to record and watch shows at their leisure. This feature results in fast-forwarding through commercials, leading to many companies’ ad budgets going to waste. 

The other drawback of television ads falls in its lack of targeting capabilities. Contrary to Facebook ads that can directly speak to your target audience, TV ads are broadcasted to a wide range of people. A smaller, niche audience is far better to engage than a large, scrambled group.  

Boring Billboards 

You’ve probably seen a billboard that briefly caught your attention, only for you to continue driving and forget it in a moment’s time. In the rare occasion a driver does have time to read a billboard, her attention immediately returns to driving. 

In addition to a lack of extended viewership, billboards are very stagnant and non-interactive. Why would someone waste time looking at billboards, when they can answer their specific question immediately with a search engine? 

Stop wasting your marketing budget on these traditional marketing methods and consider looking in to digital options. Online marketing is more cost effective and efficient at bringing in potential families. If you want to get a new digital campaign started, Blueprint would love to help. Contact us or call 770-817-9560 today! 

By: Blueprint

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