Optimizing Video Advertisements
The rise in popularity of online video content creates more opportunities for small business owners to provide engaging and meaningful advertising.
To maximize the value and return of your video ads, regardless of whether you partner with YouTube, Facebook, or both platforms, consider the following three recommendations for optimization.
1. Build for Mobile Users
More consumers engage with video content through their smartphones than ever before, a trend that won’t be slowing down anytime soon.
When creating effective video ads, make sure that your video’s size, pixels, and load time are responsive to every type of smartphone a potential customer could have.
2. Be Quick and Effective
Today’s video consumers are not likely to react to ads that last more than 15 seconds.
Although it may feel as if you can’t express enough information in this timeframe, it’s important to keep in mind remember that “less is more”.If you want to turn online visitors into new customers, deliver less quantity, but higher quality content.
Struggling with telling a high-quality story in a short amount of time? Partner with an agency like Blueprint, and we can test your 15-second ads perform against the longer ones. We’ll help you with metrics like view counts, click-through-rates, and conversions.
3. Indirect Messaging Attracts More Viewers
It’s a harsh reality: your target audience doesn’t care what you have to say, unless it makes their life easier or better. So, instead of offering a hard pitch in your 15-second ads, share information that immediately shows how your services or business can can benefit them.
Videos have the power to trigger emotional cues far better than a photo or text can, and it can tell a story. Finding a place to start is the most difficult step. Begin by making a brief bulleted outline of the practical values you can deliver, and then work with an agency to creatively illustrate them to online viewers.
Atlanta’s Premier Video Production Company
You need digital content that:
- Is attractive
- Is unique and creative
- Is built with the end user in mind
- Will rank well within every major search engine’s organic listings
As one of Atlanta’s most experienced video production companies, Blueprint will deliver just that. There are plenty Plenty of companies who can create compelling video content, but only the professionals at Blueprint know how to get your video in front of relevant online consumers.
Even more so, we understand what it takes to convert viewers into new and recurring customers.
With ongoing A/B testing, collaborate on, accompanying video campaigns with social or paid influencers, we know how to maximize impressions, traffic, and transactions.
Learn more about our approach to video design and production, or call us to see what we can do for your small business by contacting us today 770.817.9560.