As technology advances, our screens are becoming smaller, often designed to fit into a pocket or purse. With the shrinking of these devices, the days of consumers reading long, novel-like articles are fading away, leaving behind a world where one can scroll to a particular section of a website with the flick of a finger.
This change means that the same content writing techniques that were successful in the past may not be quite as useful with newer mediums.
To keep with this media progression, there are a few key changes you can make to create content so that is not only dynamic, but fits seamlessly with mobile technology.
Keep Posts Short and Sweet
Long articles are great for web and print media, but are not ideal for mobile use. There is only so much scrolling that your reader will tolerate before moving on to another site.
Shorter articles, on the other hand, are more useful for cell phones and tablets and give the reader access to the information needed quickly without having to plow through a lengthy post.
Cut Paragraphs in Half
By keeping your paragraphs short and concise, you break up a large block of text into bitable facts that fit easily onto a smartphone screen.
Walls of text can be difficult to read on a mobile device and may push your potential customer away from reading the rest of your blog article or service-landing page. Shorter paragraphs that are two or three sentences long will help keep your reader interested for a longer period of time.
Don’t Lose Quality
Just because you are writing concisely doesn’t mean you should sacrifice quality. Your content should still be infused with meaningful material that will draw an audience. If you need more space to expand on a subject, tease the content into a longer article that illustrates the topic in a more thorough light.
Use the Right Headline
Much like an interesting cover can lead a reader to a book, having the right headline can attract potential readers to your content.
Mobile readers are often looking for quick information that is easy to find. An article with a bold headline will encourage a click on your content while a less-than-stellar title will discourage a user, even if the answer to the reader’s questions is within your text.
Stand Out!
Well-written content is a prize commodity, but it is worth nothing unless it is seen. The way you package your material matters just as much as the words themselves, with sites often using large headers and colorful images to keep the reader interested, even on a mobile device.
However, these pictures can have difficulty loading on smartphones, which can frustrate users instead of keeping them engaged. You can make your content stand out on this mobile medium by engaging social media platforms, such as Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and Vine.
These apps are renovating the way we view media and content, offering dedicated content to smartphone users. Plus, with many of these platforms solely mobile-based, your readers will have content that is dedicated to the piece of technology they use most frequently – their phone.
Experience The New Age of Content Writing
While many still read content via print and online media, the number of those who opt for mobile means is increasing by the day. With this evolution showing no end in sight, the best choice is be proactive and appeal to audiences on every form of technology.