
Facebook Page Performance: Part I

Blueprint handles social media networking. Which is great for companies and businesses, since managing social networks are so time consuming, but say that you would like to know what kind of results you are getting. How do you find out? Here is a basic overview on how to quickly check your results, and if it’s our service you need, look no further.

Facebook Pages

If you have a Facebook page (and by page, I mean a fan page for companies or businesses that can be incorporated with any Facebook account), then this will help you see what kind of results you are getting. Once you get more than 30 likes a tool called page insights becomes available. This tool can be important to page owners, because it supplies data and information on metrics, likes, clicks within their page. Page owners are able to successfully see how people interact with their page.


Page Insights

Facebook has a tool called page insights, this is an application to help you manage your facebook page.  It provides you with multiple data displays and benchmark comparisons. Anyone can access this tool after their page reaches 30 or more likes. Look for an in-depth overview of page insights in Facebook Page Performance: Part II.




Why do you need these results?

Before we get into the overview, let me explain why you would want to see these results. The page statistics will show you how your page is preforming. It will show you what you are doing wrong or right with your Facebook page. It is important to monitor your results. If you do monitor these results, you can continually improve your Facebook page. Facebook also has the option where the Facebook page statistics can be emailed to you weekly. This way you can quickly compare your results and it is also a good reminder to check up on how your page is performing. This is one marketing tool Facebook offers companies and businesses. It is free to set up and free to use, unless you decide to run an ad, boost a post, or improve your reach, and get more likes.


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