
Twitter Bootstrap: Pros & Cons

Last week, I wrote “More Useful Tools in Web Development” where I discussed some tools that I recently found to be useful in my development process. Today, I will focus more on Twitter Bootstrap and share my thoughts as a front end web developer on this framework.


Bootstrap was developed by Twitter. Bootstrap 3 was recently released in August 2013. Getting started with Bootstrap is as simple as downloading the files from the Bootstrap website.


I mentioned some good aspects of Bootstrap in my last blog post, such as responsiveness, grid system, and default styles. Some more pros of using Twitter Bootstrap are:


Although there are many advantages of using Bootstrap, there are some things that I find to be limitations.


Twitter Bootstrap is a great tool to use in web development. There are many pros in Twitter Bootstrap that outweigh the cons. If you are looking for a custom design for your website, contact us for a quote.

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