It is difficult to work quickly. Especially for me, because in my line of work, video production, I want to spend time making sure everything is absolutely perfect. But this “Goldilocks” sort of approach can sometimes override better judgement when it comes to speed and efficiency. This can lead to having an end product which is worse than it could have been.
The problem with the Goldilocks approach is that it lacks a conscious awareness of passing time. It is easy for me to get lost in details. But in most projects, providing the overall quality isn’t jeopardized, certain compromises must be made to increase efficiency and speed. And in most cases, this “time conscious” approach, in my opinion, leads to a better quality product.
There is nothing wrong, per se, with either approach. But in trying to integrate video with web marketing, timing plays a huge role in an effective campaign. Generally, with or without an official deadline, the faster you can get a video project done, the better. And so a perfect video should in most cases yield to a bigger leap toward the finish line. The reason this can lead to an end product with a better overall quality than a perfect video is because it was created with good timing and efficiency in mind, and these things, while falling short of perfection, are far more effective vehicles for success.