Recent Animation Projects

For me, good time management is essential when working on an animation project. When it is a fully customized video with lots of original content, the hours can pile up fast. As with anything, it’s important to set small goals.

Usually, I start with the script. Occasionally I will hash out a few notebook drawings first, if I have ideas floating around. For me, though, spending time doing this right off the bat can be dangerous. I have a heavy tendency to lose myself in minute details, especially when the first few tries at storyboarding don’t produce exactly the result I was thinking of. So most of the time I have to write out an outline of the video content, and get myself organized before I start on the creative side.

For a lot of the animated videos I’ve done, I’ve had to create a visual representation of a concept or service. This process can be difficult. Sometimes it’s easy, if you’re in the right frame of mind. But mostly it is a time consuming process. The main goals of the animated videos I have been creating recently have been:

  • Summarizing a service or concept into a simple picture that can be easily and clearly interpreted
  • Animating the picture in a way that neither distracts the viewer, or bores them
  • Setting everything within a pleasing theme that clearly brands the client, or
  • Crafting a custom template that can be changed and customized quickly and easily to accommodate link-building efforts, but also doesn’t look “stock”

These can be challenging goals. Within the context of different videos the challenges are never exactly the same. Event when creating a reusable template the challenges can tough, as there is always the ever looming fear that the video will look “stock.” Mentally and creatively this is a difficult obstacle to overcome, as the solution is always somewhat vague at first, and never seems to fully realize until the video is 90% done.

I have found that the key to successful videos is in preparation and good time management. Although at first a script or storyboard or both may not seem necessary, they are always essential. Not only to they save time by providing direction, they keep you focused on the overall picture and vision for the video. With that focus in mind, the script can be broken down into mental segments, with each segment having a specific deadline. With perseverance, and the grace of God, each deadline which is met will give you something to stand on, and with some success already behind you, the deadlines ahead will give you something manageable to look forward to. Before you know it, you’ll have a great animated video on your hands, finished fast!


By: John

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