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Web designing is an art that web masters and content managers tediously work to ensure the natural order is maintained. Here are a few more factors to consider in formatting a website to appeal.

  1. Connect with Current and Potential Customers: The best thing about social media for businesses is being able to connect with people in many different ways. Through social media, a business can share useful information that relates to their business by making business-related posts, which can be beneficial by educating those who visit the site. Sharing, liking, re-tweeting, or +’ing are all social media strategies to connect to other members of the network. Naturally, this is the general concept, but it doesn’t always happen that way. It is vital to keep the content consistent based off the topic or main idea and relevant to the business (e.g. Roofing business: Different types of roofs). Another great thing about social media networking is that it doesn’t always have to be all work and no play. Relating with the public can really help the social pages as well, like by supporting charities people (and the business) care about and making “fun” posts, like funny pictures or inspirational quotes. Remember that owning a social media network site means interacting and engaging with fans/followers/subscribers, also creates a connectivity by breaking down walls between customers and the business.
  2. Simple and Clear Navigation: No one wants to look through sites that are cluttered and disorganized. Sites that are easy to navigate have tabs that are located in sensible places on the site (usually top and bottom of web site), easy to read, and easy to access. Another way to have good navigation could also be through anchor texts, which are words or phrases that are attached to links to other sites or pages. Using anchor texts is important because it creates a flow from page to page which can provide clear and understandable information within the content, and for the readers it gives a hint about where they are going.
  3. Relevant Quality Linking: Having relevant quality links means that a site needs to have links relate to the content. If a link is credible and reliable, this is considered a quality link. For example, if the content is about food then any links provided should go to other pages about food or food preparation.
  4. Don’t Overuse Bold, Italics, and Underline: Using bold, italics, and underlining can be influential to identify importance or something the writer wants the audience to remember or reflect on. However, over-using these three in content can lessen the degree of importance that these attributes normally bring and can also make the page look tacky.
By: Blueprint

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