Does your business utilize Linked In? There are many features within this business driven social media networking site that often go overlooked.
Getting Started
What a Linked In page can do for you:
- Tell more about your business/company
- Build brand awareness
- Showcase products and services
- Share job opportunities
More importantly, it gives people another way to follow your company.
To create a company page you must meet Linked In’s requirements.
If you do not meet the requirements, you can create a group page instead.
From a personal Linked In profile, users are able to see the following company statistics: recent updates, about, description, specialties, headquarters, website, type, industry, company size, products (list of products/request products), services, and recommendations.
Having a Linked In profile will certainly be an advantage. If you continue to maintain your company’s page, it will benefit your company in the long run.