Health IT Leadership Summit

Recently, Blueprint has been getting involved in technology events throughout Metro Atlanta. One major event that we are excited to be apart of is the upcoming 2013 Health IT Summit being held in Atlanta at the Fox Theater on November 12th. Sponsored by the likes of Verizon and Intel and featuring speakers from Sharecare, Wellstar, McKesson and more it is promising to be a fantastic event showcasing amazing technology developments in the Healthcare industry and the incredible people who make them happen. There will also be great discussions concerning the challenges and obstacles the industry faces now and will face in the years to come, as well as three award ceremonies to recognize those who have made exceptional contributions to and innovations within the healthcare industry.

As one of Blueprint’s video producers, I will be at the event filming interviews with keynote speakers, award candidates and members who are excited to watch the event unfold. I feel privileged to be apart of this event! I and the rest of the Blueprint video team are going to work hard to make sure that we capture world-class video content that inspires and informs. I am confident that the event, and our documentation of it, will be a great success!

By: John

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