
What To Expect for SEO in 2015?

SEO in 2015 | Blueprint

As we bring in a new year, we need to revise our strategy on how to effectively market ourselves for the web. It’s important to revisit the methods that worked, which ones failed and what innovative ideas can drive our brand in 2015.

This is the only way to maintain a steady, current campaign that maximizes your branding opportunities.

Here are a few search marketing strategies we can expect in 2015:

Niche Markets

Good content is a known necessity, and as a result, more money is driving the market. You will need to invest more into your campaigns in order to match the efforts of the larger brands. You have a choice: spend lots of money to compete in a branding war or cater to your own niche market and become an authority in it. The latter will be the driving force in 2015.

Many companies will shift from attracting a large, yet broad audience to drawing in a smaller, but more reliable customer-base. Targeted content pulls in customers that are specifically looking for the service your site offers, leading to more likely conversions and lowering bounce rates.

Another way to hone in on your particular audience is by…

Local Search

Local SEO became a prime factor in 2014 and looks to be a significant asset to 2015 as well. This strategy narrows the user’s search to feature results from a specific town or region.

If your business is located in Atlanta, attracting visitors from San Francisco, St. Louis or Boston won’t be as helpful as bringing in those from Buckhead, Decatur or even the outer metro regions. Your site will benefit more if you optimize for a particular area because you are hitting your direct audience, especially if your brand is attached to a brick-and-mortar location.

Google realizes that its users are looking for local answers, so its Pigeon update works to give users the result that best fits their need.

The Phrase “Content Is King” No Longer Is

2014 brought SEO’s mantra of “Content is king,” showing that solid content is a commodity on the organic search market. In 2015, quality content is no longer an advantage that adds to your campaign, but rather a standard and expectation.

If you don’t have exceptional content for your page, you are living in the digital dark ages. With Google’s Panda algorithm enforcing page substance, you can’t afford publishing sub-par material or you will risk receiving a significant penalty.

How do you make content creation and development a benefit? Focus on your audience’s needs rather than just satisfying Google’s requirements. This will bring in and engage your readers, leading to fewer bounce rates and improving your SEO in the process.

Continued Success From 2014

We’ve all heard the saying, “Don’t fix what ain’t broken,” and the same applies to SEO for the coming year. Many of the trends from 2014 look to be major factors this year as well.

In the end, your site needs to be exciting enough to draw visitors in, while also captivating enough to keep them coming back for more. In addition, it is important to continue to shy away from old black-hat SEO strategies that can hurt your site’s rankings. Google can expose these flaws and penalize your page, leading to lack of exposure.

Your users are your ultimate audience, so making them happy is much more important than just using small tricks to grab Google’s attention. The prospect for SEO in 2015 looks to be bright. It will be interesting to see how all of these factors contribute to search marketing success.

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