30044 Web Design Company…

How Blueprint brought life to an Atlanta based company with international operations. (Blueprint is located in Stone Mountain, GA and has worked extensively with additional local companies in Lilburn – 30044)

When Shaw Almex approached us, their entire industry sector was among the most dramatically hit by the recent economical crisis. The company has been a global leader for over 50 years and they understand the importance of aggressive marketing. We implemented advanced keyword analysis to determine which keywords had measurable volume, low competition, and high profitability.

In our Premiere Optimization package, we spend significant time analyzing hundreds of keywords for our clients.  We use a unique blend of tools to measure competition, search volume, and rankability.  In order to discover an exhaustive list of keywords, we take two opposite approaches that result in a comprehensive list of keywords.  Once we’ve determined which keywords are worth analysis, we divide categorize them by page, volume, and geo-specificity.  We pride ourselves in being 100% white-hat in our optimization as well as hyper-targeted for each page.  We understand the futility of trying to rank for many terms with one page and therefore seek to target a core key phrase with profitability.  After rankings are achieved, we then begin to add relevant tailing keywords.  This strategy worked beautifully for Almex.

After rolling out our first phase of SEO, we began to target more competitive terms as well as tailing keywords with a higher profit margin.  The result has been fantastic.  Shaw Almex dominates the search engine rankings across the board and is getting more than 30% of their contracts through web inquiries.

The image below depicts one of Shaw Almex’s industry leading membrane presses:

Press made in 30044 and 30047

By: Blueprint

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