In 2017, the majority of Millennials are now between the ages of 25 and 31 years old. They are independent consumers who, for the most part, have a direct source of income.
Custom Content That Attracts Millennial Consumers
For small businesses located throughout Atlanta, these considerations provide a world of opportunity when it comes to increasing your customer base, improving brand awareness, and maximizing revenue.
To take advantage of this opportunity, consider partnering with an experienced Atlanta SEO company who knows how to create custom content that provides meaning to Millennial audiences, while also getting them to convert into loyal customers.
Here are a few ways that the SEO strategists at Blueprint can help create content that connects with Millennials throughout the community.
Incorporate Image-Based Content
Millennials will not hesitate to pass on a business that maintains a website that’s void of attractive images and engaging themes.
Simply having content on your site is not enough; you must be able to provide a visually pleasing design that complements your services and messaging. So don’t neglect the design aspect of your content, your navigation, and all supporting ads.
Connect with Millennials where they Hang Out the Most; Social Media
When you engage Millennials through social media, the opportunities are endless.
You can connect with thousands of local Millennials across popular social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.
Working with an experienced SEO company in Atlanta helps you create custom content that pulls in local references to evoke an emotional response, while also establishing a connection with your viewers that translates into conversions.
Considering 47 percent of all Millennials learn about new businesses from the type of social influencers they follow (e.g. friends, bloggers, YouTube channel owners, etc.), liking, pinning or tweeting tailored content is an excellent way to distribute your message to thousands of like-minded online consumers simultaneously.
Be Co-creators
Continuing off of the last tactic, businesses that can collaborate with popular organizations or influencers that resonate with Millennials is an excellent way to establish trust and improve conversions.
Providing a custom ad that tells Millennials how awesome your business is, is not nearly as compelling as getting a favorite organization or local blogger to describe you as hip, helpful, and valuable.
An SEO company like Blueprint has established connections with content influencers throughout Atlanta and can leverage their social media followers in ways that complement your online growth.
Call the SEO Strategists at Blueprint to Develop a Custom Content Strategy That Works
Connecting with local Millennials and converting them into loyal customers is just a phone call away.
The SEO strategists at Blueprint are experienced at creating custom content strategies that improve user engagement, increase brand awareness, and support monthly leads/sales.
Speak with one of our strategists today by dialing 770.817.9560.